I hate thunderstorm... I am really scared of it. We've got lots of rain in the past couple of days (Some areas got tornado; something we have to deal with when living in Kansas.), and it will be raining tomorrow and Friday, too. Enough already.
It fun to draw lines and shapes without thinking too much, and just let the drawing come together by itself. It's also a good way to warm up or just to pass time. :)
At first I was just going to do a simple self-doodle, but then it became this one... because I always say that when I see people rubbing against each other in public. My friends laugh about it when I say that, but I really do have a low tolerance for that kind of stuff though...
I love doodling, making stuff with my hands and being silly. This is my playground away from work. I do read and treasure every comment from you. Hope you have fun visiting!
We all love to inspire and be inspired, however, stealing is not nice, so please don't use, reproduce or alter my images/artworks in any ways without my permission. They are intellectual properties and are protected by the copyright law. Thank you for understanding.