Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother‘s Day

Wishing all the mommies a Happy Mother's Day! Here is a photo of my mom in her 20s. I wish I had her hair... ^-^

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Desktop Wallpaper

Yay the wallpaper is here again! I am so sorry that I haven't been doing the wallpaper for months, but I just did one for May! Yay! Also I changed the calendar part as you can see, the circled days are all Sundays. Hope you like it. :)

Please click here for the 1600 x 1200 wallpaper
Please click here for the 1920 x 1080 wallpaper

PS: These wallpapers are for your personal desktop use only, please be nice and don't use the graphic on other stuff. Thank you so much!

Sweet Suprise From Paris

Sweet suprise from Paris

Look what I have here! I received a lovely package from Patricia (a.k.a. Memi The Rainbow) about 2 weeks ago. She did a post about me on her blog and hand-carved these really sweet stamps based on my doodles and mailed them to me as a surprise. What a sweetheart! Thank you so much, Patricia! I am so flattered. Xx

You have to head over to Patricia's lovely blog and see what she is making; trust me, they will melt your heart! There is also an open studio interview about her as well on Etsy, please click here to read it.

Sweet suprise from Paris