These are not real bags yet, just mock-ups... But if I am going to have some canvas shopping bags made, which design would you prefer? : ) Also if you know any good reputable source that makes custom bags, please let me know.

By the way, thank you guys for all your kind words for my Etsy shop! I will really appreciate it if you can put up some good words for me on your blogs. Thank you a million! XOXO!
They are all adorable! I think I like the first one the best. I'm not sure where the best place would be to get them made; I would be curious myself.
Happy Holidays!
I like the two elephants kissing and then the orange chef that order...
that one is a hard one cause I like them all...have them all made up! I want one!
I love all of them, but the little french elephant is my favorite :D I'd love any of these bags!
I love elephants and your illustrations are so cute. I would definitely want to pick one of (if not all!) up for shopping bags.
I think that's a great idea! Those bags are adorable, you should use all those designs. :D
I blogged you a couple weeks ago -- your art inspires me so much :)
I *LOVE* the elephant, but honestly, I'd buy ANY of these designs on a bag!
Merry Christmas to you -- and a wonderful 2010!
Thank you friends for your suggestion!
I've put in my order, and we will see when it comes out. : )
My fav is the French ellie! Too cute - I totally want one!
You mean the first one, Frizz?
You just have to stay tuned.... ; )
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