How are you enjoying your first day of 2010? Do you have any new year's resolution? Mine is to go to bed early at 11:00PM (yup, that's early for me); it will be really hard for me, but I'd like to try my best. Also I'd like to eat healthier, exercise more, and care less about what other people think but focus more on my own inner peace... all for the sake of my health. What about you? No matter what your resolution would be, I hope your 2010 is filled with love, laughter, blessings and good health.
Love your images, color, design and style! So much fun.
Adorable style and colors!!
So nice!
very nice form of line & color!
Happy New Year!
happy, red-cheeked, doodle-delight! thank you for sharing such happiness with the world! happy new year to a beautiful soul!
love these. very cool!
I do like your graphical illustration style, I mean the simplicity of your shapes and colours.
Thanks friends for all your kind comments!!! : )
Happy New Year Flora :-)
I saw your work at ETSY it's really good, I LOVE IT!
Thanks Aspa! : )
I love these happy images, wonderful!
11:00 p.m. is my new bedtime too! I'm a night owl so it'll be hard for me too. And eating healthy . . . more exercise . . . me too! Good luck with your resolutions.
Your artwork is excellent!! Now I just need some money so I can buy one!!!
I know! I am a super night owl too, but it has been hurting my health (really bad/loud ringing in the ear, for example). According to Chinese medicine, we really have to be sleeping by 11:00pm, otherwise there will be bad consequence. Good luck with your resolutions too! You can do it! : )
Thank you. You've been so sweet! : )
these are brilliant! absolutely love them.
Great style :)
Thanks Donny and Sara! You guys are too kind! : )
I love your work:)
Thanks littlesketchbook! :)
Happy New Year to you too!
wow - what a wonderful style!
Natascha and dthaase: Thank you!! XX : )
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